AI Solutions for the Industrious Sector

AI Solutions for Cement Industry

Systems for modeling chemical processes

Systems for modeling chemical processes


Control systems for technological parameters

Recognition systems

Recognition systems (color patterns, imperfections, details)


Control systems for harmful emissions and heat recovery


Interactive voice help systems (desktop and mobile solutions)

AI solutions for ERP and CRM systems

AI solutions for ERP and CRM systems


Comprehensive solutions:

We are glad to design for you an intelligent control system for technological processes of the production of cement and products based on it at all stages: grinding, mixing of components, firing.

The system will be able to implement situational management aimed at preventing emergency situations, improving the quality of products by modeling production processes and narrowing the spread range parameters at each stage.

AI Solutions for Oil & Gas Industry


Smart drilling control systems


Solutions to assess field reserves and their availability for development


Highly efficient solutions for seismogram processing and analysis


Data Digitization Solutions


Solutions for geological modeling (lithological and geochemical models)


Analytical solutions for predicting equipment failures and identifying vulnerabilities in technological processes


Solutions for highly accurate oil price predictions

We will develop and implement a highly efficient system for predicting oil prices, taking into account geopolitical, climatic and other difficult to predict factors. To improve the prediction accuracy when building a model, we use a combination of several ML methods and neural networks, which mutually exclude each other's shortcomings. As a result, we create a hybrid neural network, which, taking into account the requirements for the final product, most fully reflects the complex interconnection of various factors.


Oil & Gas Consumption Predicting Solutions

Another system that we can develop is for the prediction of gas or oil consumption in the region based on various factors.


Oil & Gas Demand Predicting Solutions

We design solutions for prediction oil and gas demand in regions and industries.

Would you like to work with us on AI project?

Get in touch with us today and schedule a free consultation with our team to discuss your project. Click the button below to send a quick message describing your project and we will get back to you right away.